For Vannucci Piante, the means by which we reach an objective is an end in itself.

From 1938 our founder, Vannino Vannucci, chose to strive for quality results while seeking with equal passion to work respecting people and the environment.
Today, our choice of social responsibility is even more aware, structured and varied.
It permeates corporate organisation, production, client and supplier relations,
through dialogue across the whole field.
Pistoia Nursery Park is a direct consequence of all these choices and a key moment in all of them.

Here we have interconnection between environment, research, dissemination, art and philanthropy.

Vannucci Piante has the highest environmental certification and applies a code of ethics
in its everyday procedures.

Vannucci Piante supports Dynamo Camp, a recreational therapy centre for children
from all over the world, and the Meyer Foundation for research projects.
